Bisson Psychological Services offers psychological assessments and consultations, psychological interventions, professional consultations, and professional supervision.
Psychological Assessments and Consultations
Psychological assessments make use of a variety of clinical assessment tools and strategies to better understand an individual's presenting struggles in order to formulate a diagnosis. Clarifying a diagnosis helps set the stage for proper intervention and is often needed to access support programs. Psychological assessments can help diagnose developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability, specific learning disability, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as other mental health disorders including mood disorders and anxiety disorders.
That said, psychological assessments go beyond providing a diagnosis. They aim at exploring the individual's personal strengths and difficulties and to understand how they interact with their environment. Assessments provide a very comprehensive and personalized profile that helps understand the individual's learning style, behaviour, feelings, and thought process. From there, personalized recommendations for support and intervention are made to help the individual better succeed and reach their full potential.
The recommendations made in a psychological assessment are very helpful for families, school teams, and other involved professionals such as speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, and mental health workers.
The assessment process
A psychological assessment typically involves 6 to 10 hours of direct assessment. The assessment sessions are scheduled based on the
individual's needs and abilities. The assessment can usually be completed during a school day (9 am to 3 pm with breaks) or over the
course of shorter sessions spread out over a few days or weeks. The assessment is a collaborative process that involves the participation
of the individual's extended support team (as appropriate). It also involves a careful review of the individual's clinical, medical, and
educational history. Finally, a detailed report is provided at the end of the process to explain the obtained profile, diagnosis (if
applicable), clinical impressions, and recommendations. Follow-up sessions are available as needed.
Psychological consultations are a reasonable option when the presenting concerns do not require a full comprehensive assessment as detailed above. Consultations are typically completed in one or two short sessions. A brief summary report detailing the results of the consultation can be provided if needed.
Our team will help you determine whether a full comprehensive assessment or a consultation is best.
That said, psychological assessments go beyond providing a diagnosis. They aim at exploring the individual's personal strengths and difficulties and to understand how they interact with their environment. Assessments provide a very comprehensive and personalized profile that helps understand the individual's learning style, behaviour, feelings, and thought process. From there, personalized recommendations for support and intervention are made to help the individual better succeed and reach their full potential.
The recommendations made in a psychological assessment are very helpful for families, school teams, and other involved professionals such as speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, and mental health workers.
The assessment process
A psychological assessment typically involves 6 to 10 hours of direct assessment. The assessment sessions are scheduled based on the
individual's needs and abilities. The assessment can usually be completed during a school day (9 am to 3 pm with breaks) or over the
course of shorter sessions spread out over a few days or weeks. The assessment is a collaborative process that involves the participation
of the individual's extended support team (as appropriate). It also involves a careful review of the individual's clinical, medical, and
educational history. Finally, a detailed report is provided at the end of the process to explain the obtained profile, diagnosis (if
applicable), clinical impressions, and recommendations. Follow-up sessions are available as needed.
Psychological consultations are a reasonable option when the presenting concerns do not require a full comprehensive assessment as detailed above. Consultations are typically completed in one or two short sessions. A brief summary report detailing the results of the consultation can be provided if needed.
Our team will help you determine whether a full comprehensive assessment or a consultation is best.
Psychological Interventions
Psychological interventions usually follow a psychological assessment or consultation based on the prescribed recommendations made for a particular diagnosis. Psychological interventions help individuals better understand and express their thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. Interventions help individuals develop healthy coping skills, communication skills, and problem-solving skills as well as improve self-esteem and relationships.
Psychological interventions go beyond traditional counselling. They reflect a thorough understanding of psychological and neuropsychologial processes and are supported by research and practice. Psychological interventions are also a collaborative process. They should include the child, youth, or young adult's extended support network.
We offer psychological interventions rooted in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), brief and solution-focused therapies, emotional focused therapy and more. An intervention plan is developed with each child, youth and young adult based on the initial intake assessment. The intervention plan is a fun and creative document that describes strengths, goals, and success indicators. The plan helps set the stage for therapy. Therapy activities are engaging. They include hands-on activities as well as play-based and art-based strategies. Every child, youth, and young adult is given a personalized binder to keep their session work and take-home tasks.
New referrals for intervention services are not being accepted at this time.
Psychological interventions go beyond traditional counselling. They reflect a thorough understanding of psychological and neuropsychologial processes and are supported by research and practice. Psychological interventions are also a collaborative process. They should include the child, youth, or young adult's extended support network.
We offer psychological interventions rooted in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), brief and solution-focused therapies, emotional focused therapy and more. An intervention plan is developed with each child, youth and young adult based on the initial intake assessment. The intervention plan is a fun and creative document that describes strengths, goals, and success indicators. The plan helps set the stage for therapy. Therapy activities are engaging. They include hands-on activities as well as play-based and art-based strategies. Every child, youth, and young adult is given a personalized binder to keep their session work and take-home tasks.
New referrals for intervention services are not being accepted at this time.
Professional Consultations
Professional consultations are meant to help professionals (e.g., psychotherapists, school staff, daycare workers) further their knowledge regarding a specific topic (e.g., ADHD in the classroom, performance anxiety) or to develop an intervention plan for a specific individual (e.g., to help teachers develop a support plan for a particular student).
Professional Supervision
Professional supervision involves more long-term training and supervision of students and professionals in the field of psychology. Natalie Bisson works with individual trainees/supervisees as well as larger teams from local organizations and businesses.